IVF Treatment Cost & Fertility Financing: All You Need To Know

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The Growing Need for Affordable Fertility Financing

IVF Cost Solutions and Fertility Financing for Those With Bad Credit

One of the most cherished moments for any parent is holding their bundle of joy for the very first time. As beautiful and heartwarming as this moment is, the journey to parenthood can often be challenging and fraught with obstacles.

According to the CDC, between 2015 and 2019, 13.4% of women aged 15-49 (approximately 9.7 million) in the United States had impaired fecundity, defined as physical difficulty in either getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. During the same period, 8.5% (about 2.4 million) of married women in this age group faced infertility, the inability to conceive after 12 months of trying.

Infertility also affected men, with 11.4% of men aged 15-49 and 12.8% of men aged 25-49 experiencing some form of infertility during 2015-2019. These statistics highlight the significant struggles couples endure in their efforts to conceive.  

What Happens If You Don't Pay Medical Bills And How To Tackle Them?

Adding to these challenges are the high costs and limited insurance coverage of fertility treatments. For instance, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), a promising solution for many couples often comes with a substantial financial burden. The cost for one cycle of IVF can range from $12,000 to $15,000, a price that is typically not covered by insurance. 

This underscores the critical need for increased access to affordable fertility financing.

Healthcare providers can play a major role in addressing these financial barriers to assisted reproductive technologies like IVF. By offering financing options, even for those with bad credit, they can support individuals seeking fertility treatments and expand their practice by serving patients they had to turn down earlier.

Read on to understand more about IVF treatment costs and the various financing options available to providers and patients to make the dream of parenthood more accessible for everyone.

Income and Infertility: Addressing the Disparity in the US

The American Story

Did you know?

A growing number of Americans are opting for fertility treatments. According to Pew Research,42% of adults, or four in ten, say they have either used fertility treatments or know someone who has.

The same research also revealed that upper-income adults are significantly more likely than middle- and lower-income adults to have used fertility treatments or know someone who has. This highlights the fact that costs play a crucial role in determining if people will opt for fertility treatment or not.

Although 2024 has seen a surge in clinical trials focused on infertility treatments, there is a growing need to improve access to affordable, innovative, high-quality fertility care.

That is why Denefits enables service providers to expand access to their services with payment plan solutions. Denefits has a no-credit-check policy with a 95% approval rate, allowing care providers to offer their services to those with low credit scores as well. This means patients can access the IVF treatment and spread the cost over several months, making it more manageable and reducing the financial strain. Head to the bottom of the blog to learn why Denefits payment plans are a go-to choice for many.

What Is IVF?

A Ray of Hope.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has proven to be a successful treatment for a variety of infertility issues.

As the name suggests, it is the process by which the egg is fertilized with the sperm “In Vitro” or “within the glass.” Hence the popular term Test Tube Baby (since the embryo is formed in a test tube).

The process begins with stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs, which are then carefully retrieved. In a specialized lab, these eggs are fertilized with sperm to create embryos. After a few days of development, the healthiest embryo(s) are selected and transferred into the woman’s uterus. If implantation occurs, it results in pregnancy. While a single IVF cycle typically spans 2-3 weeks, the duration can extend depending on individual circumstances and the specific steps involved.

IVF has surely helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood. However, one major factor that comes into play is IVF treatment costs. More on this, later in the blog.

What Is the Success Rate of IVF Treatment?

The Younger, The Better.

The success of IVF treatment can vary widely based on several factors, with the age of the woman being one of the most significant. As women age, there is a natural decline in both the quantity and quality of their eggs, which significantly impacts the success rates of fertility treatments. This decline becomes more pronounced after the age of 34.

The younger the individual, the higher the chances of a successful IVF outcome.


According to the CDC, the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) like IVF has more than doubled over the past decade. Approximately 2.3% of all infants born in the United States each year are conceived using ART.

How Much Does IVF Cost?

It’s All Relative.

Although this meticulous procedure has opened new avenues of hope for those struggling with infertility, one of the major challenges that people face is the cost associated with the procedure. 

Here’s a breakdown of costs across the United States:

CityIVF Cost
New York City$12,000 - $15,000
Los Angeles$12,100 - $15,000
Chicago$12,500 - $15,000
Brooklyn$12,200 - $15,000
Houston$12,000 - $15,000
Queens$12,250 - $15,000
Philadelphia$11,800 - $15,000
Phoenix$12,100 - $15,000
Manhattan$12,200 - $15,000
San Antonio$12,150 - $15,000
San Diego$11,900 - $15,000
The Bronx$12,300 - $15,000
Dallas$12,500 - $15,000
San Jose$12,000 - $15,000
Austin$12,000 - $15,000
Jacksonville$12,250 - $15,000
San Francisco$11,800 - $15,000
Columbus$12,100 - $15,000
Fort Worth$12,200 - $15,000
Indianapolis$12,150 - $15,000
Charlotte$11,900 - $15,000
Seattle$12,300 - $15,000
Denver$12,000 - $15,000
El Paso$12,000 - $15,000
Detroit$12,250 - $15,000
Boston$11,800 - $15,000
Memphis$12,100 - $15,000
New South Memphis$12,200 - $15,000
Portland$12,150 - $15,000
Oklahoma City$11,900 - $15,000
Las Vegas$12,300 - $15,000
Baltimore$12,500 - $15,000
Washington, D.C.$12,000 - $15,000
Milwaukee$12,000 - $15,000
South Boston$12,250 - $15,000
Albuquerque$11,800 - $15,000
Tucson$12,100 - $15,000
Nashville$12,200 - $15,000
Fresno$12,150 - $15,000
Sacramento$11,900 - $15,000
Kansas City$12,300 - $15,000
Long Beach$12,000 - $15,000
Mesa$12,250 - $15,000
Staten Island$11,800 - $15,000
Atlanta$12,100 - $15,000
Colorado Springs$12,200 - $15,000
Virginia Beach$12,150 - $15,000
Raleigh$11,900 - $15,000
Omaha$12,300 - $15,000
Miami$12,500 - $15,000

As is clear from the table above, the average IVF cost comes out to be $11000 - $15000. However, patients must be advised that this does not encapsulate the entire cost of the treatment. There are several other procedures and steps involved wherein it may be required to shell out more. For instance, IVF medications, fertility assessment, bloodwork, egg retrieval, donor egg/sperm, follow-up care, and more. Some of them are listed below: 

  • Artificial Insemination Cost: $500 to $4,000
  • Fertility Test Cost: $250 to $500
  • Embryo Transfer Cost: $3,000– $5,000
  • Egg Freezing Cost: $1,000 to $2,000

The care providers usually give a list of things that will be covered in the base fee and what the patients can be expected to pay. 

Also, patients may be required to undergo several cycles of IVF, depending on their individual health factors. Most clinics charge less for second or third cycles. Before squaring down on the clinic, the patients should ask the care providers about their success rates and the amount they will have to pay should they undergo another cycle of IVF. 

Insurance and IVF

Don’t Go Hand in Hand (Usually)

Insurance coverage for fertility treatments like IVF in the United States is quite complex and often limited. 

Currently, only a few states mandate insurance coverage for infertility treatment, and even in these states, the extent of coverage can vary significantly. For instance, some states mandate coverage for IVF, while others may only require coverage for diagnostic procedures or less costly treatments like IVF medication and intrauterine insemination (IUI).

What Insurance Typically Covers:

Insurance plans that do offer fertility coverage might include:

  • Initial consultation and fertility assessments
  • Diagnostic tests and bloodwork
  • Medications for ovarian stimulation
  • Monitoring during the IVF cycle

However, coverage for the actual IVF procedure, including egg retrieval, laboratory work, and embryo transfer, is often limited or excluded. Additional procedures such as genetic testing, use of donor eggs or sperm, and embryo freezing may also not be covered.

For more information on whether your state covers infertility treatment, check out the Resolve: The National Infertility Association website. It provides detailed insights into state-specific insurance mandates and the extent of coverage for infertility treatments, helping you better understand your options and plan accordingly.

IVF Treatment Cost: Impact on Providers and Patients

Lack of insurance coverage and high costs of the treatment affect those who seek fertility treatments and those who offer them in various ways: 

Impact on ProvidersImpact on Patients
Reduced revenue as fewer patients are able to afford treatmentsHigh out-of-pocket costs create significant financial stress
Lower patient volume as treatments become unaffordable for manyLimited access to necessary treatments due to cost barriers
Stagnation or decline in practice growth without financing optionsDelay or abandonment of fertility treatment plans
Inability to serve a diverse patient population, particularly those with lower incomesInequitable access to treatments, predominantly benefiting higher-income individuals
Potentially fewer successful treatments and patient success storiesThe emotional and psychological toll of untreated infertility and repeated financial hurdles
Potential damage to provider reputation if unable to offer financial solutionsDissatisfaction with the healthcare system due to perceived inaccessibility and high costs

How to Pay for IVF?

Financing Options for Patients and Providers

Fertility treatments are undeniably expensive, and the out-of-pocket expenses can add to the woes. This financial strain often leads to significant stress, potentially deterring some individuals and couples from pursuing treatment altogether. To help manage these costs, there are several invitro financing options available:


Some fertility clinics offer loans directly to patients to finance their treatment. Individuals can also secure a personal loan from a bank or other financial institution. Loans provide the advantage of receiving a lump sum amount that can cover the treatment costs upfront, with repayment required overtime at an interest rate.

➡️Credit Card

Using a credit card to cover part of the IVF treatment costs is another option. This might be suitable for smaller expenses or for covering gaps not financed by loans. This method works well for individuals and couples who can cover some treatment costs but need additional support for specific parts of the procedures.

➡️Save Up

Planning ahead and saving for fertility treatments can help manage costs. Setting aside money over time can reduce the financial burden when the time comes for treatment. Starting to save early can make a significant difference in the ability to afford the necessary treatments.

➡️Clinical Trials and Studies

Participating in clinical trials and studies can sometimes provide access to free or reduced-cost fertility treatments. Ongoing trials may be available for individuals who might qualify, offering an excellent way to access cutting-edge treatments while making IVF cheaper. Clinics can provide a list of such trials to patients who are willing to undergo the same for a reduced cost. 

➡️Military Discounts on IVF Services

Some fertility clinics also offer discounts on IVF services for military personnel. Those who are in the military or have partners in the military should inquire about any available discounts to reduce the overall IVF treatment cost. This can provide substantial savings.

➡️IVF Payment Plans

Fertility clinics also offer payment plans for IVF that allow the cost of treatment to be spread over time. This can make the financial burden more manageable, as individuals can receive the treatment and pay over several months.

Many fertility clinics rely on Denefits as their partner in flexible payment plan solutions. And so do patients!

Here’s why!

IVF Financing With Bad Credit

Denefits Is the Solution You Are Looking For.

Credit history plays a significant role in determining the financing options available to patients.

Having bad credit can complicate the financing process but doesn't make it impossible.

Bad credit can limit an individual’s ability to secure loans or favorable interest rates, making it more challenging to finance costly fertility treatments. This can increase stress and financial strain.

That is why care providers rely on Denefits to help individuals better manage IVF treatment costs. 

Denefits empowers care providers to offer essential treatments to a broader range of patients, including those with low credit scores. With Denefits, providers no longer have to turn away patients who can’t afford to take other financing routes. This not only reduces the inequity of access to fertility treatments but also allows healthcare providers to grow their practice.


1. How Much Does IVF Cost?

IVF costs range from $11,000 to $15,000 per cycle. Additional costs may apply depending on individual treatment plans.

2. How Much Does Artificial Insemination Cost?

Artificial insemination costs between $500 and $4,000. The price can vary based on location and specific medical needs.

3. How Much Is IVF With Insurance?

The cost of IVF with insurance varies widely depending on the coverage. Out-of-pocket expenses can still be significant.

4. What Is IVF Cost Dallas?

The cost of IVF in Dallas is between $12,500 and $15,000 per cycle. Prices can vary based on the clinic and specific services required.

5. What Is IVF Cost Chicago?

The cost of IVF in Chicago is between $12,500 and $15,000 per cycle. Make sure to check with local clinics for exact pricing.

6. What Is IVF Cost NYC?

The cost of IVF in NYC is between $12,000 and $15,000 per cycle. Costs may vary depending on the clinic and individual treatment needs.

7. What Is IVF Cost Houston?

The cost of IVF in Houston is between $12,000 and $15,000 per cycle. Prices can vary based on specific medical services.

8. What Is a Mock Transfer IVF?

A mock transfer in IVF is a practice run of the embryo transfer procedure. It helps ensure the actual transfer goes smoothly.

With no credit check policy, a 95% approval rate, multilingual support, and much more, Denefits is your go-to for affordable payment plan solutions.